Upcoming Fan Convention Appearances for Ian
Ian will be appearing at two fan conventions in the upcoming months!
His first appearance will be in Atlanta at Walker Stalker Con on October 18, 19 and 20. He will be joined by LOST cast members Nestor Carbonell, Jeremy Davies, Maggie Grace and Andrew Divov. For more info, including ticket and photo ops purchases, visit the conventions website here: WalkerStalkerAtlanta
Photo Album from Walker Stalker Atlanta is now up in the gallery on Ian’s official fan website here: Atlanta Photo Album

*Update* Ian had to cancel his Rhode Island appearance due to his MacGyver shooting. He hopes to see you at another con soon!
From Ian on Twitter :
” So sorry, but due to work commitments I will not be able to make @ricomiccon this year. Hope to see you all at another con soon though! Ix “
Ian’s second convention appearance will be in Providence, Rhode Island at the Rhode Island Comic Con, on Nov. 1, 2 and 3rd.
His ‘The Passage’ co-star, Mark-Paul Gosselaar will be appearing too. Visit RICC’s website for all information and ticket, photo op purchases: RhodeIslandComicCon