9/Tenths To Get A Re-Release as ‘Awaken’

Fans of Henry Ian Cusick may remember an independent film Ian did back in 2006 titled 9/Tenths.
Directed by Bob Degus the film also stars Gabrielle Anwar and Dave Baez.
Considering it’s relevancy to our current times, the film makers have decided to return to the film and have plans to re-cut and re-release it under it’s new name Awaken!
Ian recently tweeted about this, hinting at the re-release:
“Blast from the past or predicting the future? @awaken_film stay tuned!”
Awaken has a brand new website which includes the film trailer, photo gallery, and on set interviews with Ian, Gabrielle and Dave, previously unseen by fans before.
Be sure to visit their site to see all of that and more: Awaken-film.com
For HIC fans, his segments were collected and can be seen here, compliments of Yatanis on Youtube: BTS on Awaken set with Ian