The Gospel of John is a movie worth seeing any time of the year but as Easter Sunday is almost upon us, it seems most appropriate to mention it now.
The movie is unique in that it is a word for word re-telling of John’s gospel, beautifully narrated by Christopher Plummer.
Directed by Philip Saville and filmed in 2003…….Ian gives a very moving and inspirational performance as Jesus Christ.
If you haven’t seen the Gospel of John, there’s no better time than this upcoming Easter weekend.
Read and view more of the film, including a BTS interview with Ian, under the links below at Ian’s official fansite,
We thank them for their support of this film and all of Ian’s work!
‘Palm Sunday, Holy Week and The Gospel of John’
‘Henry Ian Cusick: BTS Interview from The Gospel of John (2003)
‘Maundy Thursday & The Last Supper (Gospel of John clips)‘
‘The Gospel of John, The Music: Interview with Composer Jeff Danna’