Chimera, the indie scifi film starring Henry Ian Cusick and Kathleen Quinlan is currently playing film festivals around the world.
We’re pleased to announce it has already began to win awards at some of the fests! We feel sure more will be on the way and we’ll update this post as they occur!
Boston International Film Festival (BIFF) –
BIFF awarded Chimera it’s Indie Spirit Best Picture Award for 2018!! Congratulations Team Chimera!

In addition, David Kruta, the film’s cinematographer was awarded the Best Cinematography Award. Congratulations to David!

Phoenix Film Festival –
Chimera receives the Best Sci-Fi Feature award!

Chimera Press and Reviews:
Phoenix Film Festival Review – Chimera
“A small intimate setting underscores the films greatest strength, the performances. Cusick (as Quint) is saddled with the task of being the audience’s entry into the story while spiraling further into a manic rage with each passing scene. Placed in the hands of a lesser actor the character could have been downright annoying. However, Cusick breathes humanity and pathos into every moment, creating a questionable but sympathetic individual that feels utterly real.”
Full review here:
Chimera Wins Top Awards In Boston & Phoenix, Announces More International Screenings.
“As an aficionado of intelligent science fiction myself, I am honored to be a part of Chimera.” says lead actor Henry Ian Cusick, who plays a conflicted scientist named Quint in the movie. “Maurice Haeems has created a beautifully harrowing and thought-provoking sci-fi film, unique and surprising in equal measures. It stays with you long after the credits roll.” he concludes.
The Top Five Events At Sci-Fi London To Book Now
“The festival will open with a screening of Chimera from director Maurice Haeems. The film follows a scientist’s frantic and increasingly disturbed efforts to cure his children’s genetic disease after having his family cryogenically frozen. The movie, which was well received at Phoenix film festival recently, will be introduced with a talk from geneticist Dr Charlotte Mykura.”